FREE MLK Resource for Comprehension Instruction

Dr. King - What to Know.

Recently I wrote an article “9 Things You May Not Know About MLK, But Probably Should” that I shared on my blog.

I got several messages from teachers asking if they could take my article, copy it, and use it in their classrooms during Black History Month.

I was completely cool with this idea, but I thought that other teachers might also benefit from having the blog post in a more printer friendly resource.

Happily, I put the information about Dr. King in a document and added some cute clipart to make it more student friendly.

Now, there aren’t any questions or additional printables included, but here is a list of ideas that you can incorporate with the MLK printable:

  • Students make a list of their own comprehension questions and then trade with a partner
  • Reflect and write about the text in their journal
  • Partner read
  • Use with small instruction groups
  • Locate answers and practice highlighting text evidence
  • Compare and contrast Dr. King’s life with their own
  • Nonfiction unit study
  • Black History Unit
  • Write 9 facts about themselves that others may now know
  • Practice Close Reading strategy

This free resource includes a color, as well as a black and white version to save on your printer ink.

Happy Teaching!
