Display Learning Objectives & Goals Daily to Promote Learning with FREE Download
Aug 13, 2024
Learn why it is essential to display learning objectives daily to let students know what they will learn with the free download.
Today, I want to chat about a topic that often gets overlooked in the hustle and bustle of the classroom but that can have a major impact on your teaching and on your students’ learning. This conversation is all about—you guessed it—the display of learning objectives in your classroom. Also, I have a free version and a paid editable version available for you at the end of this blog post.
Why is it essential to post learning objectives each day?
Displaying daily learning objectives is not just another item on your to-do list, or to make administration happy, but a strategy that positively impacts student achievement and classroom management. Let’s dive in and explore the reasons why you should consider this practice for your classroom.
Displaying Learning Goals Helps Students Know What They Should Be Learning!
The first and foremost reason is clarity. When you display what students should be learning daily, it provides a roadmap for what’s to come. This gives students an idea of what they need to focus on for the day, such as gaining comprehension from a genre study. This clarity guides their thought process and helps them identify and understand the skills and knowledge they're expected to gain.
Is it essential to post learning objectives for young students?
Yes! Even young students will benefit from having the learning standards posted. You can easily write it in friendly language that they can understand. Also, one of the main reasons to post what students will be learning that day is that it also keeps you, the teacher, on track!
Think of each day's lesson as a journey. If your students don't know where they're headed, how can they effectively navigate their way there? A posted learning objective gives them the destination; your teaching is the path that gets them there.
Self-Directed Learning!
The second reason is it supports self-directed learning. When students know what they need to learn, they become active participants in their learning process. They can assess their understanding in relation to the day’s objectives and work toward closing any gaps. This fosters independence and accountability in their learning journey.
Displaying Learning Objectives Keeps the Teacher On Track!
Furthermore, displaying daily objectives helps you, as the teacher, to stay focused and organized. It is soooo easy to get off track with side discussions and other classroom issues. Having the learning objectives in clear view serves as a gentle reminder to steer the lesson back to its intended course.
Yes, Principals and Administration Want the Learning Objectives Posted!
And finally, displaying these learning objectives facilitates communication with others. When objectives are clearly displayed, anyone who enters your classroom, be it a parent, a principal, or a casual observer, can immediately understand what your students are working on. This helps increase understanding and support for what is happening in the classroom. In fact, all of the school districts I have worked for have required that the learning goals are posted each day.
In conclusion, the simple act of displaying daily learning objectives can be a powerful tool for improving student learning. It encourages clarity, promotes self-directed learning, keeps your teaching focused, and enhances communication. So let’s make this powerful strategy a regular feature in our amazing classrooms.
Download the Objective & Learning Goals Display!
I have two different versions to help you display the learning standards and daily goals for you to choose from.
The first version, the free uneditable version, you will print, laminate, and write on with a dry eraser. You can change them out each day.
In the second version, you can fully edit the learning goals and objective posters in PowerPoint. You can change the font, the headings, and the subjects; you can edit everything and display it on your dry-erase board or a fun bulletin board!
FREE, Uneditable Learning Goals Posters
FULLY EDITABLE Learning Objectives & Student Goals Display
Keep up the amazing work!
Jen - Teacher Karma
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